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The mission of LaSBA is to provide specialized professional services of consultancy in the field of Shopping Centres, to its Clients: developers, owners, investors, and retail and leisure operators, in Spain, Portugal and South America.

The aim of LaSBA, is to create added value for its clients, through minimizing the risks to be taken on their decision processes of development or investment in Shopping Centres area.

The values, which are the base of the professional activity of LaSBA, and are to be shared by its team members, into the Shopping Centres field, are:

  • Independence. Regarding all kinds of Business and Institutions.
  • Confidentiality. Service for each client, and only this client.
  • Prudence. Always on the conservative side in the economic area.
  • Loyalty and involvement. With the client, against its competition.
  • Innovation. In practices and professional methodologies.

Aware of the need to have standardized systems of international recognition, LASBA has aligned its Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System with the ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards.

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